Owari no hana (Flower of Owari)


Book title. It is a book on Seto ware and consists of four volumes: Flower Volume (genealogy of potters), Bird Volume (miscellaneous records), Wind Volume (potter’s inscriptions), and Moon Volume (collection of pottery illustrations). Based on the manuscript “Seto no Hana (Flowers of Seto)” by Gyobu Tokaji, Kato Yumikage and Sakano Torin added new materials to it, and after review by Shibayama Junyuki, it was drafted in 1902 (35th year of Meiji) and titled “Seto mono (Seto goods)”. 1920 (Taisho 9), it was partially revised and renamed as “Hana of Wari” and published by the Seto Ceramic Art Dealers Association. 1932 (Showa 7), the first edition of “Seto mono” was published. In 1932, The Complete Collection of Ceramics was published in facsimile by the Seto Ceramic Art Dealers Association.

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