Kakumeiki (Diary of a priest of Kinkakuji Temple, Kyoto)


The diary of Horin Seisho (1592-1668), abbot of Rokuonji (Kinkakuji) temple in Kyoto, covers a period of thirty-four years from 1635 to 1668. Seisho was a member of the Kanshuji Haruho clan. Seisho was the son of Harutoyo Koshuji. He was favored by Gosuio-in, was blessed with artistic talent, and had a wide circle of acquaintances from court nobles to merchants. The seven types of non-kou teacups, “Horin,” were in his possession. The original of this diary is in the collection of Rokuonji.
In recent years, from 1958 to 1967, it was revised and published by the temple in six volumes.

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