Kamiya (paper store)

Kamiya (paper store)
Kamiya (paper store)
Kamiya (paper store)

Specialty. Raku ware tea bowl by Koetsu. It is named after Shozaburo Kamiya of Kanazawa, the original owner. The body is round and the base is low and crushed, giving it an indescribable elegance, as if one were peering into a temple stone from above. The black candy glaze is applied unevenly and unevenly thick and thinly on top of the ripe persimmon color, and the red glaze appears like a mottled pattern in the black color, making this bowl a special one in both color and scenery among Koetsu tea bowls. The wide bosom and slightly concave in the center give it a very interesting view. The workmanship of the high stand is also interesting in a random manner, and is a kind of outstanding tea bowl among Koetsu’s works. Shozaburo Kamiya passed down the tea bowl given by Koetsu from generation to generation, but it was given to a certain person in Fushosai’s generation, and in 1831 (Tempo 2), a person named Issokuan requested it, and after several people, it was delivered to the Ichida family in Kyoto. (Taisho Meikikan)

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