Echizen ware: jar.

Echizen ware: jar.
Echizen ware: jar.
Echizen ware: jar.

Excavated from Horakuji, Echizen-cho, Niu-gun, Fukui
14th century
Height 27.1 cm, mouth diameter 9.0 cm, body diameter 18.8 cm, bottom diameter 11.4 cm
 This jar, which could also be called a “neckless jar,” is a unique example yet to be found anywhere else, even in Echizen. The brownish brown surface rich in sandy texture best represents the characteristics of the Echizen period from the late Kamakura period to the early Muromachi period. There is a kiln mark on the shoulder. It was found as a warehouse urn in the Horakuji Temple cemetery.

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