Red Pottery
Red Pottery

When earthenware is produced with good ventilation and a high fire rate, the iron in the vessel oxidizes to ferric acid fire, resulting in red pottery.
In China, this is called red pottery.
Red pottery appears in the Yangyin culture, and it seems that colored pottery is nothing other than red pottery on which colored patterns were applied.
There are two types of red wares in the Yangyin style: red wares with fine clay, which include painted wares, and coarse red wares with sandy clay.
The surface of the coarse redware was polished and decorated with painted patterns, and the coarse redware was decorated with rope patterns, stripes, indigo patterns, and other patterns.
In the following Longshan Culture period, the development of pottery making techniques led to the emergence of ash ceramics, and only a few red wares were produced.
However, in some places, such as the Athe region of Liaoning Province, red pottery survived and was the main type of pottery used in the culture.

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