
Kosatsuma” generally refers to works from the early period of Satsuma ware production. The potters include naturalized Koreans Hoshiyama Nakaji, Kim Hae, Hojin, Kim Wa, Kim Lin, Tahara Mansuke, Tong Yusuke, Park Pyeong-i, Park Sadayo, and Arimura Ban-emon. It dates from the early Edo period, and the domain was headed by three generations of Shimazu Yoshihiro and Iehisa Mitsuhisa. Kilns were built in Chosa, Kajiki Gosunkoku, Naeshirokawa, and Tateno, and early products were produced in Tateno. The kiln construction, molding, glazing, and firing techniques were all in the Korean style, and the wares were made at a time when Satsuma’s unique style had not yet developed. The types include Taibai, Mishima, Hakeme, Sung Guroku, etc. Most of them are used for matcha utensils. Kosatsuma nishikite was produced after the Keian period (1648-1652) and has an old rustic elegance.

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