KONRO (Cool Furnace / Gas Furnace)


A furnace temporarily placed on the floor to boil food. It can be made of iron or clay. It is hollow inside and has a frame in the middle with a side hole at the bottom of the front. A charcoal fire is heaped on the frame, and wind is let through the hole at the bottom to make the fire more active. The small cooler made by Shimizu Rokubei, a potter in Kyoto at that time, is a copy of a cooler made in Tang Dynasty. The “Sencha Hayashinan” lists Sanjiya Shichibei, Umebayashi Kinzo, Shimizu Rokubei, Doukasuke, Doukasuke Sahei, and Toyosuke from Nagoya as skilled potters. The “Daigonkai” states that “konro” is the sound of a furnace (koro), a word that originated in the Zen school. In addition to the cool furnace used for sencha (tea ceremony), the term konro is also widely used to refer to shichirin and other kitchen utensils of the same style.

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