
The 10th generation of the Raku family. Second son of Ryoiri IX. He was born in 1811 (Bunka 8, 1711), the second son of the ninth Ryoiri. He succeeded to the family in 1811 at the age of 17.
His workmanship was straightforward, similar to that of his father Ryouiri, but his glazes were not without a tendency to be pale. The yellow color of the clay is sometimes exposed. The red-glazed pieces have an austere, persimmon-like quality, and the uneven shading is elegant, but it is said to be inferior to black-glazed pieces. By nature scholarly, many of them left written records of their ancestors’ research. Following Ryouiri, he was commissioned by the Marquis of Kishu to work on the garden pottery of his Nishihama Palace, and in May 1826, he received the seal of Raku from Chiho. There are five types of seals used. The one called “Kiraku seal” is said to have been written by Onuma Hyuga-mamoru, a Confucian vassal of the imperial court, and is said to have been written by him. The next two types of seals, large and small, in clerical script given by Chiho are so-called “seiryokuin” (seal of receipt). The small seal was used from the time of the Jokei 200th memorial service. The fourth, a small seal given by Sukeisai, is said to have been used on the 250th anniversary of Chojiro’s death. The fifth seal is said to have been made in his later years by the pen of Daitokuji Temple’s Gyokurin-in monk, Tadaso. He died in November 1854 at the age of 60. (Died in November 1854 at the age of 60. (Honcho pottery Novela, Kogei Shiryo, Kogei Kagami, Nihon Touji Shishi, Raku Touko Densetsu)

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