Nisai flat bowl

Nisai flat bowl

Two-color glazed ware: bowl.
8th century
Height 5.4cm, mouth diameter 18.4cm, bottom diameter 11.9cm
 Including this bowl, there are five pieces of this type of Nisai flat bowl among the Shosoin ceramics. In terms of vessel shape, they are of a large form and were once classified as porcelain dishes. Four of the five pieces are of the same shape with a deep body, but only this piece is shallow and thin. The base is made of eggshell-colored, rather coarse clay, but it is a fine piece with a flat bottom and thin handles. While the other four vessels have a stepped arc pattern, this vessel is glazed with a dark green glaze on both the interior and exterior surfaces, and has a triangular pattern with two short stripes on the interior surface and a triangular green glaze on both exterior surfaces near the apex, creating a special pattern in which the white glazed area looks like a bird’s foot shape. The underglaze glaze on the inner surface shows that it has been unglazed. There are also semicircular ring-dochi marks on the bottom of the inner surface and triclinic tochin eye marks on the bottom underside of the outer surface.

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