Tsutsui Tsutsu

Tsutsui Tsutsu
Tsutsui Tsutsu
Tsutsui Tsutsu

Important cultural property. Specialty. Korean tea bowl, famous hand well. Named after its owner, Tsutsui Junkei. It was owned by Zengen, a Wabi-tea master who lived in Suimon, Nara, and Junkei requested it and later presented it to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. One day, Hideyoshi’s attendant accidentally took it off and broke it into five pieces, but Hosokawa Yusai, who was present, calmed Hideyoshi’s anger by reciting the poem “Tsutsui tsutsu no gakeshi Ido chawan wo watare ni hiki ni keranashina” (The tea bowls of the well that were broken into five pieces were given to me), which was taken from an old poem in “Ise Monogatari. Later, it was handed down to Bishamondo in Kyoto, and later to the Saga family in Kanazawa. (Taisho Meikikan)

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