Suzu ware: jar.

Suzu ware: jar.
Suzu ware: jar.
Suzu ware: jar.

13th century
Height 35.0 cm, mouth diameter 24.7 cm, body diameter 35.8 cm, bottom diameter 12.5 cm
 The short, outer neck is thickened at the apex and the outwardly inclined edge of the mouth is concave in the center, creating a kind of double-layered mouth. The clay cord was made to a certain height in a counterclockwise direction and then grafted on top of it to form the vessel. The striated imprint on the surface of the vessel was scraped off with a hammer to smooth the surface, as indicated by the tapping pattern left on the neck. There is a “nong-painted” kiln mark on the shoulder. The body of the jar is jet-black in color, while the shoulders are often covered with natural glaze. This is one of the best examples of a jar.
 It is marked “從士為向向後所奉之也.
 The lack of a prominent junction between the mouth and neck and the shoulder, the long, extended body, and the crude application of the buttresses make the date of production of this jar consistent with the date of the Sumisho period. It was fired at a high temperature using very iron-rich clay, and yellowish-green sesame sprinkles and natural ash fall can be seen on the shoulders.
 It is a valuable artifact that presents a variety of problems.

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