Tamba ware: jar, known as “Shōjō”.

Tamba ware: jar, known as "Shōjō".
Tamba ware: jar, known as "Shōjō".
Tamba ware: jar, known as “Shōjō”.

14th century
Height 51.0cm, mouth diameter 26.5cm, body diameter 42.8cm, bottom diameter 16.6cm
Hyogo Prefectural Ceramic Museum
 This is a small, slightly shouldered large jar with a 1cm wide beveled edge at the wide-open mouth rim. The base is made of fine-grained high-quality clay, and the entire piece is jointed in seven stages using the hagi-zukuri technique. The molding is not so good that the joints can be seen from the outside, and they are clearly visible in the center of the neck.
 The reddish-brown glossy surface is covered with a bright green natural glaze, which flows down to the bottom and makes this large jar stand out even more. The low refractoriness and insufficient kneading of the clay have resulted in distortions and large bubbles on the entire surface, which is regrettable.

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