Tamba ware: jar.

Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.

14th century
Height 45.4cm, Bowl diameter 15.0cm, Body diameter 34.8cm, Bottom diameter 16.9cm
Tamba Antique Pottery Museum
 There are two types of early Tamba jars: round-bodied ones, whose height and body diameter are close to each other, and elongated-bodied ones. The former type has engravings, while the latter type includes this jar and “Nunobiki” (Fig. 150) from the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Ceramic Art. The short outer neck, the strong shoulders, and the body that tapers straight down to the bottom are characteristic of jars of the late Kamakura period. The surface of the vessel is shaped with brush marks and horizontal nade molding, and the scraping marks from the molding process are clearly visible on the lower half of the body. The dark green natural glaze on the shoulder flows down to the lower half of the body like a waterfall, and a part of the surface is burnt brown, creating an ethereal atmosphere. This is one of the best of the few large vases from the Kamakura period.

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