Tamba ware: jar.

Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.

16th century
Height 46.0cm, Bore 16.3cm, Body 39.2cm, Bottom 17.0cm
Hyogo Prefectural Ceramic Museum
 This jar has a large outward-curving mouth that bends down from the base of the shoulder. It is descended from the round-bodied jar style seen on jars with inscriptions. The mouth of this type of jar is not folded back in the jade-rimmed style. The body of this type of jar does not have a jade-rimmed folded mouth, and the slender neck and the use of a vertical comb to adjust the vessel’s surface, the so-called “cat-scratcher’s hand” technique, make it impossible to date this type of jar back to the 16th century. The bright yellowish-brown color of the base and the bright dark green hue of the natural glaze running down from the shoulder to the body are characteristic of this period. The molding technique has progressed despite the use of corded clay, resulting in a neatly made vessel with no visible joints. It is marked with an X on the shoulder.

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