Tamba ware: jar.

Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.

14th century
Height 42.3 cm, mouth diameter 14.3 cm, body diameter 41.9 cm, bottom diameter 19.3 cm
Japan Folk Crafts Museum
 This jar is in the shape of an arithmetic slab, with its broad shoulders and body bent down, but flattened jars with almost equal height and body diameter are relatively rare among Tamba vases. The rounded mouth rim, which is turned outward from the center of the neck, is probably an early 14th-century technique. The clay used for the base is of the same quality as that used for large jars with paulownia designs, containing many fine grains of feldspar and silica. The vessel is very well fired and has a slightly dark brownish-brown body with black patches on the shoulder and part of the body, but the bright yellowish-green natural glaze running down from the mouth rim to the lower half of the body helps to save the darkness of this jar. The bright yellowish-green natural glaze running down from the mouth rim to the lower half of the body saves this jar from being too dark. The underside of the bottom is slightly warped.

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