Tamba ware: jar.

Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.

14th century
Height 42.7cm, Bore 25.4-26.7cm, Body 40.8cm, Bottom 18.8cm
Japan Folk Crafts Museum
 The form of jars found at ancient kiln sites of the Kamakura period, such as Sanbon-toge and Genpei-yama, is not at all different from that of jars found in Tokoname. In particular, the shape of the mouth rim shows a remarkable similarity. However, by the end of the Kamakura period, Tokoname-style jars disappeared, and jars unique to Tamba were unified. It is not yet clear when Tamba’s unique jars began to appear, but this jar probably belongs to the very early stage of Tamba’s unique jars. The large “U” shaped body shows a late Kamakura period appearance. However, the mouth is not folded back, but rather rounded. The fine-grained, high-quality clay used for the base is brightly fired, and the entire surface of the shoulder is covered with a light green natural glaze, which overflows and runs down to the lower half of the body.

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