Temmoku tea bowl, E-garatsu type

Temmoku tea bowl, E-garatsu type
Temmoku tea bowl, E-garatsu type
Temmoku tea bowl, E-garatsu type

Height 8.6 cm, mouth diameter 13.5 cm, base diameter 4.5 cm
Idemitsu Museum of Arts
 This is a deep tenmoku type tea bowl with a small base, but unlike Karamono tenmoku, the inside of the base has also been deeply carved, and the width of the helmet stands out.
It is an ancient type of Karatsu tenmoku type bowl, and probably belongs to the early period as an ekaratsu type bowl. The mouth is coated with iron glaze, and the inside is also coated with iron glaze sprinkled in several stripes, with an abstract pattern painted on the outside. Unusually, only the inner surface around the mouth is glazed, while the outer surface is unglazed. Such an example has never been seen before. Although the shape is a neat tenmoku form, the painting and glazing are very rough, and it is interesting that it is a simple Karatsu-like work, unlike the tenmoku tea bowls of Seto and Mino, where tenmoku is traditionally fired.

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