Large jar with chrysanthemum and peony design, enamelled ware

Large jar with chrysanthemum and peony design, enamelled ware
Large jar with chrysanthemum and peony design, enamelled ware
Large jar with chrysanthemum and peony design, enamelled ware

Height: 76.0 cm, Height: 58.0 cm, Bore: 22.2 cm, Bottom: 21.0 cm
 This large jar is also outstanding among other examples of this type. The lid has a high, hat-like lid with a lion on the strap, and the body is decorated on all four sides with chrysanthemums on two sides and peonies on the other two sides, both flowers in gold and red overlaid in a relief pattern. The flowers are overlaid with gold and red overlaid in ukiyo-e overlaid with gold and red overlaid in ukiyo-e. Although this piece looks extremely gorgeous, the color scheme is based only on underglaze blue, gold, and red, a technique often seen in export porcelain of this type. It is probably from the end of the 17th century or early 18th century. The large chrysanthemum design from the lid to the body is impressive.

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