Five wine cups with pine・tree design. underglaze blue. overglaze enamels

Five wine cups with pine・tree design. underglaze blue. overglaze enamels
Five wine cups with pine・tree design. underglaze blue. overglaze enamels
Five wine cups with pine・tree design. underglaze blue. overglaze enamels
Five wine cups with pine・tree design. underglaze blue. overglaze enamels
Five wine cups with pine・tree design. underglaze blue. overglaze enamels

Height 6.3 cm
 These works were conventionally called “Matsugaya,” but as already mentioned, they are assumed to belong to the Ko-Nabeshima group. All of the color paintings are made in a combination of underglaze blue and overglaze blue, and are lacquered in the style of kotogitate.

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