Sue ware: jar with stand

Sue ware, jar with stand
Sue ware: jar with stand
Sue ware: jar with stand

Excavated from Takasaki No.2 Tumulus, Chirokucho, Fukuoka City
6th century
(Lid) Height 5.0cm, Diameter 10.8cm (Body) Height 20.5cm, Diameter 17.1cm
Kyushu Museum of History
 This short-necked jar with a lid and base is a piece with a Kyushu regional flavor. The lid is similar to that of the cup that accompanied it. The body is a short-necked jar with a stout shoulder, and the surface of the vessel has been adjusted by rolling up the clay and cutting the surface with a thin oyakimete. The body is a short-necked jar with a stout shoulder. The surface of the jar is adjusted by rolling up the corded clay and thinly cutting and shaving the surface. The firing is very good, with a thin layer of natural glaze on the shoulder.

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