Dish with design of maple leaves afloat on water streanri,undergtaze blue. overglaze enamels

Dish with design of maple leaves afloat on water streanri,undergtaze blue. overglaze enamels
Dish with design of maple leaves afloat on water streanri,undergtaze blue. overglaze enamels
Dish with design of maple leaves afloat on water streanri,undergtaze blue. overglaze enamels

Height: 4.2 cm, Bore: 14.9 cm, Base: 7.8 cm, Diameter: 7.8 cm, Okayama Museum of Art
 This is a painting of the Tatsuta River with a flowing water pattern in thin tinted underglaze blue, over which autumn leaves are scattered. Perhaps because the underglaze blue is so light, the design is somewhat unattractive despite its stylishness. The reverse side is decorated with a cloisonne design and a comb-shaped raised stand.

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