Sue ware: horizontal vase shape, hasō

Sue ware, horizontal vase shape, hasō
Sue ware: horizontal vase shape, hasō
Sue ware: horizontal vase shape, hasō

Excavated from Tasusho-cho, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture
6th century
Height 14.8 cm, mouth diameter 10.0 cm, body diameter 11.4 x 12.3 cm
 This is a variant of the so-called barrel shape. The mouth and neck are identical to those of the “H” type, and the entire surface is decorated with a comb-grained wavy pattern. The body is flat on one side and rounded on the other side, forming a D-shape with a green band. The body has two chinkaku lines across a hole in the center of the body, and the space between the two lines is filled with a comb-shaped tooth pattern, which is a vertical version of the Wei body design. The mouth is fired horizontally, and one side of the body is covered with natural glaze.

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