Ninsei: tea bowl with design of waves and a crescent moon, enamelled ware

Ninsei: tea bowl with design of waves and a crescent moon, enamelled ware
Ninsei: tea bowl with design of waves and a crescent moon, enamelled ware
Ninsei: tea bowl with design of waves and a crescent moon, enamelled ware

Height 9.4 cm, mouth diameter 11.6-12.5 cm, base diameter 4.7 cm
Tokyo National Museum
 This is a tea bowl modeled after the so-called “Kureki” style, which was popular in Kyoto in the early Edo period (1603-1868), although the base is rather low. The body has a bulge unique to Ninsei, and the prospective part is deeply rounded and richly thrown on the potter’s wheel. The low base is rounded off in two places to form a split base, and the left side of the base is stamped with the seal of Ninsei. The glaze applied to the entire surface of the bowl may have been slightly under-burnt, and the glazed surface is a little worn, but the birch-colored crescent moon and blue and green wave pattern on the body is very graceful, and is one of the best painted patterns among Insei’s color-painted tea bowls. It is regrettable that there are two or three cracks from the mouth to the body and the bowl is damaged. The box in which it is stored has an inscription “Toshiryo coming from Sohwa Rou”, which clearly indicates that it came from Sohwa to Toshiryo, but it is not clear what kind of person Toshiryo is.

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