Tokoname ware: jar.

Tokoname ware: jar.
Tokoname ware: jar.
Tokoname ware: jar.

Excavated from Omachi, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
14th century
Height 32.0 cm, mouth diameter 19.1 cm, body diameter 30.0 cm, bottom diameter 14.0 cm
 This slightly wide-mouthed, medium-sized jar has a strong shoulder tension and a shape similar to that of an arithmetic slab toward the small bottom. The N-shaped fold at the mouth rim is even larger, creating a broad rim band. The shape of the mouth rim and body indicates that it was made in the late Kamakura period. It is made of iron-rich clay and is well fired to a brownish-brown color, with a thick layer of dark green natural glaze covering the shoulder and part of the body. There is a chrysanthemum design on the shoulder.

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