Kitano Ocha-no-Yu-no-Ki (Records of the Great Tea Ceremony in Kitano)


A record of the great tea ceremony held by Hideyoshi in the precincts of Kitano Shrine in Kyoto on October 1, 1587. One volume. In addition to the Gunsho Ruishu book, there are various variants. In addition to the famous seven articles of the “Takafuda,” it contains over 60 of Hideyoshi’s utensils displayed on the day, the names of Hideyoshi, Muneyoshi, Munehisa, and Rikyu, who sat as tea masters, and the names of the persons who sat on both sides of the table.
This grand tea ceremony was originally scheduled to be held for 10 days from March 1, but was shortened to one day due to the political situation in Kyushu. The tea ceremony was an open and grandiose event. The tea ceremony was held in a tea house built by Hideyoshi, and more than 800 people attended the tea ceremony. The names of people and utensils in the “Kitano Grand Tea Ceremony” painted by Ukita Ikkaku in 1843 are erroneous. The painting is included in the “Complete Collection of Tea Ceremony Classics,” Volume VI, which contains a detailed examination of the painting.

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