Chouro-an (Tide Road Hermitage)

Chouro-an (Tide Road Hermitage)
Chouro-an (Tide Road Hermitage)
Chouro-an (Tide Road Hermitage)

Chuko Meibutsu. Hafu-gama tea caddy, Shibusagami tebotsu-honka (poem on astringent paper). This tea caddy was owned by Nakajima Soko (née Shiojian), a pupil of Kobori Enshu. It is a large Wabi-cha-irie with a wide mouth and a rough potter’s wheel on the body. There is a glaze hole like a knot, and there are three vertical channels on the horizontal lines of the potter’s wheel. After Shioji-an, it was handed down to Iyomori Kuchiki, Hachiroemon Okuda, Norimup Matsudaira, Sagamimori Hotta, Sadamori Itakura, Chushichi Ohashi, and Yoemon Taru, and was purchased by Fumai Matsudaira for 500 ryo, and has been in the Unshu family since. (Meibutsu Ki, Kokin Meibutsu Ruiju, Rimpo Kameryu, Taisho Meikikan)

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