Tamba ware: jar.

Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.
Tamba ware: jar.

14th century
Height 41.4cm, Bowl diameter 20.0cm, Body diameter 32.8cm, Bottom diameter 17.0cm
Tamba Antique Pottery Museum
 The slender shape of the bowl, which is bent at the midpoint of the body, and the sharply formed mouth rim with a so-called “gutter,” suggest that it was probably made at the end of the Kamakura period or around the time of the Nanbokucho period. The clay is made of clay containing many fine grains of feldspar and silica, and is well tempered to give it a brownish-brown color. The natural green glaze covering the mouth rim and half of the body is in perfect harmony with the clay, giving this miscellaneous vessel a kind of graceful appearance. Part of the lower half of the body has been stripped of its glaze, revealing a grayish-white base. This is a fine thin piece.

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