Shino tea bowl with bridge design, known as “Hashihime”

Shino tea bowl with bridge design, known as "Hashihime"
Shino tea bowl with bridge design, known as "Hashihime"
Shino tea bowl with bridge design, known as “Hashihime”

Height 11.8 cm, mouth diameter 12.5 cm, base diameter 7.6 cm
Tokyo National Museum
 This is a rather large cylindrical tea bowl, wheel-thrown with a straight edge, the base is extremely low, and the tatami mats are carved out like a wide double base.
 It is similar to Setoguro as well as the previous work, and is assumed to be an early Shino tea bowl. Under the thick glaze, a picture of a bridge and a picture of a shrine are clearly painted, and this kind of painted tea bowl is commonly called “Sumiyoshi-te” in reference to Sumiyoshi Shrine, which is famous for its bridge. In addition, Shino teabowls with Sumiyoshi-te are generally of a simple semi-tubular shape, and probably belong to a relatively early period among Shino teabowls with paintings. The area around the base of the bowl is slightly covered with clay, and there is a mark in the shape of a pine needle on the base of the bowl.

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