Flower vase with handles, Chosen-garatsu type

Flower vase with handles, Chosen-garatsu type
Flower vase with handles, Chosen-garatsu type
Flower vase with handles, Chosen-garatsu type

Height 22.8 cm, mouth diameter 5.2 cm, bottom diameter 9.5 cm
 There are two types of Korean karatsu vases: those with a distinct black-and-white glaze and those with a mottled glaze, as shown here. This vase is the most outstanding of its kind in terms of appearance. It has a contrived design with a narrowed mouth rim and other changes, but it is not austere. The ears are particularly interesting, and they are well integrated into the overall shape. The flat bottom is coated with a thin layer of iron glaze. The flat bottom is thinly coated with iron glaze.

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