Water jar, Chōsen-garatsu type

Water jar, Chōsen-garatsu type
Water jar, Chōsen-garatsu type
Water jar, Chōsen-garatsu type

Height 14.0 cm, mouth diameter 18.3 cm, bottom diameter 15.4 cm
 This is called “Joseon Karatsu Ichijiguchi Suijin” and is highly valued among tea ceremony masters. It is one of the most elegant Karatsu ware tea utensils that are most suitable for tea ceremony. The top is covered with a black candy glaze and the lower half with a straw ash glaze, while the front and back are each covered with a streak of white glaze from the mouth rim to enhance the view. The entire interior is also covered with a thin layer of iron glaze, and white glaze is applied to the inside and the center of the vessel. There are seven other examples of this type, but most of them have marks on the interior that resemble blue ocean waves, and this type of water jar is believed to have been made by the Fujino Kawauchi Kiln.

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