Iga “Shoe”-shaped tea bowl, known as “Suteishi”

Iga "Shoe"-shaped tea bowl, known as "Suteishi"
Iga "Shoe"-shaped tea bowl, known as "Suteishi"
Iga “Shoe”-shaped tea bowl, known as “Suteishi”

Height 6.4cm, mouth diameter 10.3cm x 13.0cm, base diameter 5.5cm
Fujita Museum of Art
 This is also a very low-slung, kutsu-shape tea bowl with a spatula-shaped surface on the lower part of the bowl.
The entire surface is covered with Seto glaze, and it is thought to have been made in the early Edo period.
There are three eye marks on the side of the base. On the back of the lid of the box, there is an inscription “Iga Ware Tea Bowl Suteki Togei Left (Hanasho)” by Omotesenke 9th Ryo Ryozai Soza, and it is interesting that the two tea bowls are both inscribed “Suteki”, which captures the characteristics of the tea bowls.

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