Shigaraki Flower vase with two handles

Shigaraki Flower vase with two handles
Shigaraki Flower vase with two handles
Shigaraki Flower vase with two handles

Height 22.1 cm, mouth diameter 7.3 x 9.4 cm, bottom diameter 11.8 x 14.0 cm
 This is a masterpiece of Shigaraki flower vases, which were made as tea utensils for the Apicha tea ceremony. Tea utensils have been produced in Shigaraki since the time of Takuno Shao’o, but flower vases have been relatively rare. This cylindrical flower vase has an inwardly scooped mouth rim with a single step below the rim, and the body is oval-shaped with ears on either side. The body is oval in shape with ears on both sides. The base is well-fired, and the ash glaze is thickly applied from the mouth to the body, creating an austere scene, while the back is brownish. It was probably made during the Tensho period.

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