Shigaraki Flower vase

Shigaraki Flower vase
Shigaraki Flower vase
Shigaraki Flower vase

Height 25.9 cm, mouth diameter 14.6 cm, bottom diameter 12.0 cm
Hokuriku University
 This vase has a cylindrical shape with a tightened center and a sharply turned edge at the mouth. This vase has been handed down as a Shigaraki vase, probably made in the late Tensho period.
The dark green ash glaze sprinkles like a waterfall from the mouth to the bottom, and the clay skin on one side is reddish brown and tight, making this a rare and magnificent Shigaraki vase. There are two thick cracks on the flat bottom, and there are also traces of a hole filled with a pattern at the front and back below the mouth, suggesting that this vase was once used as a hanging vase.

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