Shigaraki Water jar of onioke (demon’s pail) shape

Shigaraki Water jar of onioke (demon's pail) shape
Shigaraki Water jar of onioke (demon's pail) shape
Shigaraki Water jar of onioke (demon’s pail) shape

Height 18.8 cm, mouth diameter 20.8 x 25.1 cm, bottom diameter 18.1 cm
 In Shigaraki, this type of vessel has been called “onioke” since ancient times. Originally, this type of container was probably created as a ramie container for spinning ramie (hemp) as a miscellaneous tool, but it is thought that it was used as a tool for making a decorative object and was made into a water container around the late Muromachi period (1333-1573). It is generally referred to as Shaogu Shigaraki because it was made in the Shaogu period. The oval-shaped mouth is distorted and stepped, then straightly tapered toward the base, and the bottom is flat. The brownish-brown clay skin is covered with numerous feldspar grains, and the outer surface is covered with an ash glaze. It is considered to be the finest onioke mizusashi of this type.

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