Dish with rock and peony design. enamelled ware

Dish with rock and peony design. enamelled ware
Dish with rock and peony design. enamelled ware
Dish with rock and peony design. enamelled ware

Height 5.7 cm, mouth diameter 20.3 cm, high base diameter 10.3 cm
 This type of 7″ dish has a bell-shaped mouth, and although there are not as many of this type as the standard form, there are still quite a few examples of this type.
 The rock is placed slightly to the right of the center of the bottom in a firm brushstroke, leaving a blank space at the upper left, and three large peony blossoms and two storage flowers are neatly painted, but the design is painterly with an emphasis on the effect of the blank space. The large peony flowers are depicted in three different ways: one with thinly drawn petals, one with a white peony with a red outline, and one with a red blurred outline. The rim is decorated with a nyoi-toujime design in shades of blue, the reverse side has a cloisonne pattern on three sides, and the base is decorated with a comb pattern.

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