Sue ware: wide-mouthed jar

Sue ware, wide-mouthed jar
Sue ware: wide-mouthed jar
Sue ware: wide-mouthed jar

Excavated from Kiln No.2, Mitsujiyama, Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture
8th century
Height 18.0cm, mouth diameter 7.0cm, body diameter 19.6cm, bottom diameter 10.4cm
Komatsu City Museum
 This is a type of Kofun-period wide-mouth jar with a trumpet-shaped open neck. The tip of the neck, which opens straight outward, is folded back to form a broad rim band, and the shoulder of the body is bent at a right angle to form a sharp line. The shoulder of the body is bent at right angles with sharp lines. The high plateau is a characteristic of the Hokuriku style. The black surface is covered with a yellowish-white natural glaze.

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