Sue ware: long-necked vase with stand

Sue ware, long-necked vase with stand
Sue ware: long-necked vase with stand
Sue ware: long-necked vase with stand

Excavated from Tomb No. 19, Asai, Ichinomiya-shi, Aichi
7th century
Height 27.5cm, Mouth diameter 9.6cm, Body diameter 16.0cm, Bottom diameter 10.9cm
Ichinomiya City Board of Education
 The body is hemispherical, with a tapering shoulder, and is decorated with two stripes and a comb-shaped design, but the base has been lowered and the tiers have degenerated. The chinkansen lines on the neck of the mouth have also disappeared. This is a typical example from the mid-7th century.

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