Kaiyu ware: Jar.

Kaiyu ware: Jar.
Kaiyu ware: Jar.
Kaiyu ware: Jar.

Excavated from Zakoji Araihara Site, Iida City, Nagano Prefecture
9th century
Height 20.6cm, Mouth diameter 9.3cm, Body diameter 25.0cm, Bottom diameter 14.1cm
 This ware was excavated as a cremation urn. It is a typical product of the Sanage kiln in terms of the base and glaze tone. The short neck, slightly tilted inward, sloping shoulders, and slightly elongated body suggest that it was made around the beginning of the 9th century. The ash-white base is slightly fire-reddish with a bright green ash glaze running down part of the body. This is one of the finest Sanage ware ash-glazed vases.

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