Kensan (Chianzan)

Kensan (Chianzan)
Kensan (Chianzan)
Kensan (Chianzan)

Chan cup made in Jian ware in China. In Japan, it is a generic name for so-called “Tenmoku-chawan” (tea bowls), which are also made in Jianshan. It is also a special name for certain types of cups. For example, “Kuntai Kangenjoki” and “Chayu Shodenshu” describe it as the first Yohen, the second Oil Drop, and the third Jian Chan. Jian-chan has been popular among tea drinkers since before the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty in China, and the “Chalok” (Tea Records) shows that the rabbit cup cup was prized by tea drinkers. In Japan, according to the color and pattern of Jian Chan, it is called Yohhen, Ash-colored, Yellow Chan, Oil-drop, Tortoiseshell Chan, Oolong Chan, and so on. Tortoiseshell Susan is named after its glaze color, especially its outer color, which is yellowish brown with black spots like tortoiseshell. This type of tortoiseshell glaze is said to have originated in Ji’an, Jiangxi Province, and is also called Ji’an Tianmu. The other type of Jian Chan is called Henan Tianmu, which is said to have been made in Henan Province. Other types of Jian Chan-like ware have been produced in various places in China, and many of them have been introduced to Japan since the Meiji period. Some of them have clear oil drops.

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