Koshiji (blocked)

Koshiji (blocked)
Koshiji (blocked)
Koshiji (blocked)

Chuko Meibutsu. Fujishiro Shunkei Charyu, Eki Tebonya. Also called Koshiji. It is said that when the Marquis of Kaga had this in his possession, he named it after Kobori Enshu, expressing his love for the northern part of Japan. The body is slightly deep with the kuchi-zukuri (mouth structure) twisted back, the lower part of the steamer is taut, the shoulder is narrow, and the body bulges out and then narrows again at the hem. The body is slightly bulged and narrows again at the hem. A thick line of chinki-suji (chinki-stripe) is laid on the body, and a kaki-kinki-glaze is applied over a blackish kinki-glaze. The bottom is a little worn and lacks clarity. The glaze at the mouth rim and below has been wheel thrown. The ground color is subdued, so at first glance this tea caddy does not look very glamorous, but the shape is that of a tea caddy in a perfect and blessed state. It was owned by the Marquis Maeda of Kaga, and was given to Iki Nakane, who presented it to Shogun Iemitsu, and then again to the Nakane clan. (Kokin Meibutsu Ruiju, Meibutsu Ki, Rimpo Kame Ryu, Taisho Meikikan)

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