Tamagode (egg hand)

Tamagode (egg hand)
Tamagode (egg hand)
Tamagode (egg hand)

This is one of the Korean tea bowls. The clay is fine and egg-colored, which is probably why it got this name. The old tea book says, “Tamagote, look at the clay, there is an eye, it is called Honde or Honde in the old days, Tamagote is a recent name, the edge warp is large, yellowish and beautiful, the clay is soft and B, the top has an eye inside the bamboo joints on the base. The workmanship and shape of this relatively small number of vessels are almost identical, and the glaze quality is beautiful and of excellent quality. According to “Touyori,” the production area is located in the upper reaches of the Donggang River in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. Tea bowls with inscriptions such as “Usukaki” and “Itoyu” are known as famous bowls. (Tea Ceremony Sosho, Pottery Review, Taisho Meikikan)

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