Chikugo no Asahi ware


Kagenobu Shirouemonemon, the eldest son of Yosanbei Kagemitsu Kato, the founder of the Kusajiri Kiln in Mino Province (Gifu Prefecture), was working at the Kusajiri Kiln when Zen’emon Mori, a ronin from Karatsu in Hizen Province (Saga Prefecture), happened to visit the area through a relationship with the priest of Seianji Temple. He finally accompanied Keienobu to Karatsu to inspect its methods. Upon his return, Keien built the Karatsu kiln and produced white glazed ceramics for the first time. This kiln is known today as the “Tool Kiln” or “Fujishiro Pottery. During the reign of Emperor Goyozei (1586-1610), Emperor Shojincho requested a white-glazed tea bowl from Kage-nen and presented it to him, and since then he contributed year after year. He was finally given the title of “Chikugo Kiln” or “Asahi Pottery of Chikugo” on July 5, 1597, and thus the name “Asahi Pottery” was given to the kiln. Asahi ware is said to have been named after the pottery founder Fujishiro, who was named Asahi Shunkei. There is a monument to Kage-nobu in Nakajima, Kushiri, on the south side of Seianji Mountain, which reads, “Matsudake Kage-nobu hermitage, Chikugo guardian Fujiwara Kage-nobu on February 2nd of the 9th year of the Kan’ei era.

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