Suzu ware: jar.

Suzu ware: jar.
Suzu ware: jar.
Suzu ware: jar.

14th century
Height 33.4 cm, mouth diameter 13.0 cm, body diameter 28.6 cm, bottom diameter 9.8 cm
 There are a variety of forms of Suzu jars, the most basic of which are wide-mouthed jars with beaten decoration on the surface and narrow-mouthed jars with un-beaten decoration. This jar is of the latter type. The center of the neck is swollen and the shoulders are still taut, so this jar should be classified as a late Kamakura period piece. It is made of rolled-up clay, and the design on the surface has been chipped off. It is well fired and has a thin natural glaze on the shoulder. There are engravings on the bottom.

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