Suzu ware: jar.

Suzu ware: jar.
Suzu ware: jar.
Suzu ware: jar.

15th century
Height 50.8cm, Bore 18.8-19.3cm, Body 43.8-44.6cm
Konzo Temple
 The neck of the mouth is narrowed and the central bulge moves upward, appearing as a hollowing under the mouth rim. The mouth rim is bent outward to form a rounded rim band. The bottom of the vessel is made to a certain height by winding up the corded clay, and the curvature of the bottom is stacked upward in different folds. The traces of tapping patterns left in the center of the body indicate that the surface of the vessel was shaped by scraping. The firing rate was not very high. The surface is carbonized and has a shiny black color.
 There is a kiln mark on the shoulder.

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