Shigaraki ware: jar.

Shigaraki ware: jar.
Shigaraki ware: jar.
Shigaraki ware: jar.

14th century
Height 41.3 cm, mouth diameter 12.7 cm, body diameter 40.0 cm, bottom diameter 14.5 cm
 This so-called “double-lipped” jar, with a rim band around the edge of the slightly outwardly contorted neck, is unique to the Shigaraki and Iga vessels. Judging from the strong shoulders and the shape of the base, which is small compared to the size of the body, this jar is thought to have been made in the early Muromachi period (1336-1573). Shigaraki large vases of the late Kamakura to early Muromachi period are characterized by the fact that the bore and base diameters are nearly equal. The clay is reddish-brown with pronounced feldspar blowouts, and a dark green natural glaze flows from the shoulder to the chest and adds to the scenery.
 The body is hagi-zukuri with four steps, with horizontal nade at the joints and vertical brushwork on the rest. There is a geta mark on the underside of the bottom. This is one of the most outstanding of the many Shigaraki jars with nawame patterns.

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