Tamba ware: small beaked jar.

Tamba ware: small beaked jar.
Tamba ware: small beaked jar.
Tamba ware: small beaked jar.

16th century
Height 14.5cm, mouth diameter 7.3cm, body diameter 11.8cm, bottom diameter 9.1cm
Hyogo Prefectural Ceramic Museum
 This cute little jar is a duplicate of the many small kataguchi jars found in Bizen, but there are surprisingly few examples in Tamba. It was probably made as an oil jar. It is made of rolled-up clay and the surface is shaped with brush marks and horizontal nade. It is very well fired, but there are some cracks along the joints. The light brownish-brown colored surface of the vessel is slightly covered with a yellowish-green natural glaze. There is a kiln mark on the shoulder in bold 箟書. The spout at the mouth rim is held in place with a finger and protrudes, showing exactly the same construction as that of Bizen. This is a rare example of one of the few small kataguchi jars.

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