Tea bowl, Chōsen-garatsu type

Tea bowl, Chōsen-garatsu type
Tea bowl, Chōsen-garatsu type
Tea bowl, Chōsen-garatsu type

Bowl diameter 12.3cm
 Korean Karatsu is mostly produced in Fujino Kawachi, but this tea bowl is made by Hobashira Kiln, which is famous for its spotted Karatsu. It is a small, tight, and beautifully shaped tea bowl with the edge of the mouth turned up, and is one of the best tea bowls of its kind. It is covered with a white straw ash glaze to the hem, and the inside and outside of the mouth area is covered with a candy glaze, but the flowing glaze is mixed with the white glaze to form a beautiful glaze surface unique to Joseon Karatsu. The area around the base shows a rough clay surface characteristic of the Hozashira kiln.

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