Dish with linked . blue and white on reserve

Dish with linked karahana (conventionalized flowers) design.celadon glaze. blue and white on reserved area

 These are typical examples of Ko-Nabeshima-style celadon blue-and-white 5″ dishes, and there are relatively many similar examples. The glaze is applied with a fresh glaze, which may be the reason for the distortion of the plate’s base. The color of the underglaze blue is slightly darker. The color of celadon was fired unevenly, and the celadon did not have the powder blue color of Okawachi ware.
The design, however, already shows the pure Nabeshima-style pattern completed at the Okawachi kiln.
The pattern of leaves in the shape of a muku-aran (a small, round, or rectangular shape) appears prominently in kosode models from the Kanbun period, so this pattern must have been invented as a fresh pattern from the late Kanbun to the Enpoho period. This pattern must have been invented as a fresh pattern between the late Kanbun and Enpo periods, and was passed down to the Okawachi domain kilns. However, all of them are somewhat rough compared to Okawachi wares. The design on the back is a peony arabesque with flowers on all four sides in the 91st panel. The back is a plain celadon background.

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