Kaiyu ware: Droplet of Water

Kaiyu ware: Droplet of Water
Kaiyu ware: Droplet of Water
Kaiyu ware: Droplet of Water

Excavated from Heijo Palace Site, Saki-machi, Nara City
9th century
Height 5.5cm, Body diameter 3.2 x 9.2cm
Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties
 This droplet is a rectangular box-shaped body with a small neck at one end, and was probably made as a variant of a flat bottle. It was probably made as a variant of a flat bottle. It is made of grayish-white, dense clay and fired extremely well. Judging from the clay and firing, it is thought to have come from the Sanage kiln in Aichi Prefecture. It is an oddly shaped droplet of water for its time.

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