IspanoMoresk Pottery

IspanoMoresk Pottery
IspanoMoresk Pottery
IspanoMoresk Pottery

Islamic pottery techniques were introduced to the West and flourished mainly in Spain. It began around the 12th century and was centered in Valencia. Traces of Islamic pottery are clearly visible in the designs. Luster glazes are used in abundance, and other colors are common. Some are gilded. This technique greatly influenced English Staffordshire wares in the 18th and 9th centuries, when bright lusters of pink, purple, ruby, and other colors were used. In addition, many Majolica-style ceramics were also produced. In Valencia, the pottery industry has been extremely active since the 17th century, and the main colors are blue, green, and yellow, and many ceramics decorated with flowers and figures were produced.
Water jars and wine jars are known to be decorated with many colors, and tiles are covered with white tin glaze and then decorated with patterns in many colors. (Pope, A.U., “ASurveyofPersianArt”)

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